Protest Riordan and Goodbye, Wall

There are two things going on here worth writing about. One is that this wall in our dining room is being demolished tomorrow to make room for the stairs. So Miles and I wrote some goodbyes on it this afternoon, leaving some room for John and Liam, who are at work and at golf. (that's a third news item right there, Liam has joined the school golf club!)

The second is a message from Miles. He has read a series of books that he really loves. At the end of the 5th book he thought for sure there would be a 6th because it didn't wrap up the way the series closer usually does. But in the acknowledgements the author says that book is the end of the series. Miles would like to find other people to protest this to the writer, Rick Riordan, so that he will write another book. Please tell your friends who might have been in touch with this series (The Percy Jackson series) to carry this message and send letters to Rick Riordan.

The message is: Dear Rick Riordan, I hate your idea of stopping my favorite series. Please continue Percy Jackson and the Olympians. We want Percy! 

Miles wrote his original message to Rick Riordan on the wall (that's what he's working on below) but we are going to re-write it on paper so that it can fit in an envelope.

2 Comments on “Protest Riordan and Goodbye, Wall

  1. That’s fun that you’re writing goodbyes to your wall (and on the wall 🙂 You’re full of good ideas! I hope Rick Riordan write another book for Miles to read, and cool that Liam has joined the golf club!

  2. Wall looks like great fun! Colman wants more info on Liam’s golf club & whether he should bring his golf clubs next time we visit!

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