painted trees and jet engines

We took the bus to Navy Pier today and walked south along the lake to Millenium Park. The city has painted these trees and installed them on the west side of LSD, just north of Monroe.

Salvia in bloom in Millenium Park. I've planted a few clumps of this in our backyard, but I'm not sure it will ever look this beautiful!

The sculpture garden on top of the Art Institute's new Modern Wing has a new sculpture–these jet engines. In a case of liking a piece of art better before I read the artist's statement… I thought it was amazing enough to see disembodied jet engines against the backdrop of the steel skyscrapers and steel work in Millenium Park. But the statement tells that the artist used jets from a US spy plane and that he hid anti-depressant medication inside the jet engines. (a previous project involved hiding brain matter inside a Toyota minivan!) 

The amazing Kennymen!

8 Comments on “painted trees and jet engines

  1. I thought the Kennymen were about to step out on a glass ledge again… there wasn’t a Kenny in sight who was brave that day!
    On a totally different note, I really like those trees!

  2. Thanks! The trees are a big hit. There are other groups of them around the city too.
    Speaking of ledges, I’m using a photo of my feet and John’s feet on the ledge at the sears tower on a new Rand McNally product we’re working on! Total vertigo just looking at the pic!

  3. Regarding the painted trees, you say they are installed on the west side of LSD. This reader and would like to know what LSD stands for. It’s not THAT LSD, surely.
    ~ A Child of the 60s who never used it.

  4. The jet engine display is fascinating~
    About putting antidepressant medication inside, all I have to say is “hmmmm.”
    And the brain matter in the Toyota project, “Ewwww.”
    ~ A Child of the 60s who doesn’t quite understand the artist

  5. LSD = Lake Shore Drive! Though I can see the confusion, esp when you throw that artist and the pharmaceuticals into the mix!

  6. The trees are cool. I’m a little confused about them though, are they real trees that were actually painted? That’s what it looks like from the picture, and that seems like it would kill the trees. And interesting seeing jet engines…though it looks a little like walking through a “bone yard” from my perspective (where old airplanes go to die…in AZ). Great pic of the kennymen…makes me want to see you all soon. And I was thinking of the OTHER LSD, of the Mormon persuasion. Just shows how one thing can be interperted so many ways!

  7. The trees were dead, or dying, then an artist got the idea to paint them. They are “planted” in a block of cement each! I’m surprised they don’t get all dried out. Seems like they would get brittle and the branches would break. Also, they move them around, which also seems very hard to do without breaking branches! We’d like to see you soon too! Hope Miami is going well!

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