Today was the last of the summer Yoga in the Park at Millennium Park. I only made it to a couple of this summer's sessions, but it's always a treat to be downtown for the 8am group yoga session! I was even a few minutes early today and caught this glimpse of the bean that I'd never noticed before:
How ethereal! It reminds me of the (hopefully soon to be famous) photo Mom took of the reflection in the back of a semi-truck driving on a highway in Arizona.
Here's the crowd beginning to assemble for yoga. I'd say there were about 150 people there by the time we started.
That image of The Bean has a surreal look, like a big bubble from outer space landed in Millennium Park–great shot! Good angle on the amphitheater, too. It’s a direct head-on shot that shows interesting light patterns on the overhead framework. Before, I had not noticed the unusual pattern on one of the background buildings (second from right in the background). ~ Mom
Thanks! I thought it looked like a giant bead of mercury landed there among the trees. As for the background building, I believe those patterns are the apartment balconies, all different shapes, sizes and placements. Very cool!