Liam and John heading out for graduation
The students lined up by height to walk into the auditorium–as one of the 2 tallest, Liam was first to walk in!
Liam's class sings the class song. Liam was in the back to the right–not in the view.
Liam receiving his diploma from principle Mr Beaudoin. That's Liam's friend Val next to him.
A surprise to us was that they announced 3 distinguished student awards, and Liam was one of the recipients! Yay! Teachers nominated 14 students based on grades, leadership and character, and the students voted.
Congratulations on your graduation, Liam!
Great job Liam (and on being second tallest too – you must be gaining on your Dad!)
Congratulations, Liam! That’s great that you got a distinguished student award! Good work! I hope to see you this summer 🙂
Another milestone this week: Liam is now taller than John!