Fun and busy day: work out, performace fest and Barry and Frankie

Saturday in Dublin: I started off with a work out at Curves in Malahide. Check out the view! Sorry Logan Square, it has your view beat big time.



Later to Merrion Square where a really fun street performers' festival was going on.


Performance by a very funny and talented guy from Argentina. He's testing the trust of the volunteer (strong word for being picked from the audience unrequested!) by throwing something dangerous at the bowling pin in her hand. Just before throwing it he declared that just by standing there without flinching (or running away!) she trusted him and he didn't have to go through with the test. Phew! We were sitting in a dangerous spot had he decided to throw!


Frankie and Barry at their great new house! We went over for dinner and had some delicious grilled burgers and kabobs. Yum!