Cynthia and liam at Glendaloch

2010-06-18 10.43.40.jpg

4 Comments on “Cynthia and liam at Glendaloch

  1. Nice picture. Was this where we had our picture taken years ago, Cindy? The one that Mom has framed…where I have really bad hair and some crazy outfit? 🙂

  2. Is Liam drinking a coffee?! Nice pick by the way (and yes Debbie I’d say it’s the same place!)

  3. Yes, this is the photo spot we keep returning to! Interesting note about the coffee–I think it was a hot chocolate. There is a shop very near Glendalough that is now under new management — huge improvement is an espresso machine! So we stopped for coffee & hot chocolate before the hike. Debbie, I don’t remember your bad hair and crazy outfit, maybe because I had weird glasses and really red hair!

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